Ways to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready

Ways to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready
monsoon tips for home

The monsoons will soon be upon us, bringing the aroma of freshly-washed earth and unforgettable memories of sailing paper boats and enjoying tea and pakoras on the patio. However, the monsoon does its share of havoc to your and home and surroundings too and you need to be well-prepared for it. Damp patches on the ceiling or moss along the wall are just some of the ways the monsoon can weaken your home’s structure.

This season, make it a priority to be ready for the monsoons – your home will thank you for it! Here are some easy tips:

Pre-monsoon check up – Look for cracks along the walls or roof. Timely treatment of these defects will ensure that they won’t leak during the rainy season. A little putty does an excellent job of sealing leaks and a fresh lick of paint will protect hairline fractures along the exteriors too. Waterproofing your home this way will ensure that unsightly fungus doesn’t grow on your walls.

Proper ventilation – Unhindered passage of air around your home will ensure that the damp smell doesn’t pull the family down with allergies, joint pains and aggravated asthma episodes. Ensure your doors and windows have nets to keep the insects out but fresh air streaming in. Ventilation will also ensure clothes hanging indoors can dry up faster too.

Protect wooden furnishing – While wooden furniture, cupboards, wall paneling and flooring look ethnic and elegant, they do need proper maintenance during the monsoon. You will need to apply a new coat of varnish or polish before the monsoons set in so that the surface remains protected from the damp.

Clear out gutters and drains – Clogged drains can easily become mosquito breeding sites and spread disease. It’s best to get them unclogged and rid of accumulated leaves that would otherwise obstruct the free flow of excess run-off rainwater.

Electrical wiring – Check your wiring and wall sockets for possible malfunction as the damp can get into cracked casements, leading to short-circuiting and electrical failures. It’s better to call a professional for this.
Finally, get rid of the heavy curtains and thick rugs; replace with light drapes and bamboo or cane rugs for a more enjoyable monsoon!