Tips for Sustainable Apartment Living

Tips for Sustainable Apartment Living
sustainable apartment

With changing global climatic conditions, there is now a greater need to safeguard our environment and follow a lifestyle that focuses on reduce, reuse and recycle. Just because you are living in an apartment doesn’t mean that you cant follow a green and more sustainable lifestyle. It will not only reduce your cost of living, but also reduce your dependence on earth’s natural resources, leaving a better place for future generations. Here are some tips for sustainable living in apartments:

Energy saving – Aside from switching off all electrical points when no longer in use, you should also focus on buying appliances that come with higher star ratings. These will not only help you save on electricity use in the long run, but also cut down on your power bills.

Reuse Water – Apartment buildings are well-known for their high water consumption. Go with apartment buildings that have a rainwater harvesting system in place. This run-off water can then be used for gardening or car washing purposes. You could also reuse kitchen waste water to water your balcony garden.

Reduce – Another way to prevent wastage is to place an upright pint glass jar in your toilet tank. This cuts down on a pint of water every time you flush the toilet.

Bulbs – Change from the old-school incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs which consume considerably less power and help reduce your carbon footprint by minimising electricity usage. LED bulbs also last longer.

Segregate – Be part of the recycling brigade and divide your waste into organic (compostable), metal, plastic and glass components. While you can compost organic waste in a compost bin on your balcony for fertilising your balcony garden, the other segregated waste can be given out for recycling.

Staircase – Whenever possible, ditch the elevator and use the staircase instead. Aside from saving on power usage, you also get good exercise!

Go paperless – Get off the list of junk postal mails and opt for paperless emails and billing instead. This reduces your dependence on papers made by cutting down trees.

Save energy – Run the washing machine or dishwasher only with a full load. Likewise, use a pressure cooker whenever possible, and save on 70% of energy spent on cooking.