Electrical Safety Tips for Apartments

Electrical Safety Tips for Apartments
electrical safety - favourite homes

Electric shocks are a major hazard and its effects can range from minor tingling to severe burns and even cardiac arrest. These are reasons enough to ensure that there are no electrical leakages, faulty electrical appliances or exposed wiring in your apartments.

Always use safety-proof plugs to shield electric outlets and unplug appliances after using them. In case of an accident when someone comes in contact with a live wire, switch off electric source before touching the victim, calling for help and administering CPR. Here are some basic tips to keep you, your family and apartment safe from electrical mishaps:

  • Limit the use of appliances on extension cords to prevent overloading and electrical accidents. Install new electric outlets and plug points instead.
  • Always disconnect power source before carrying out any electrical repairs. In case of any accidental fire from a power source, always switch off power supply before touching anything.
  • Make it a rule to always unplug appliances after each use. And don’t use appliances with exposed or frayed wiring to avoid fire accidents. If there is smoke or a weird smell coming, then immediately unplug the appliance.
  • In case of an electrical mishap, use a fire extinguisher or sand. Never use water.
  • To prevent shocks, always power off and wear insulated gloves when handling electrical equipment.
  • Never use an aluminum ladder when affecting electrical repairs as it conducts electricity and can lead to severe burns and shocks.
  • Always inspect electrical appliances at intervals to check for frayed or exposed wires. Ensure that the wires have sufficient insulation on them to prevent direct contact.
  • Always be vigilant where electrical appliances are concerned. Ensure there are no flammable or easily combustible materials kept near your electrical appliances. Since there are no covered garages in apartments, you can keep such materials on the balcony instead.
  • There are greater chances of electrical shocks and mishaps where wires are coming in contact with wet walls. Ensure that the wires in such areas are properly insulated or simply forego using electric points along wet walls till the problem has been addressed.
  • Finally, in case of a fire accident from electrical circuits, first switch off the power supply before doing anything else.

Always keep these tips in mind!