How can Colors Create an Impact on the Space of an Apartment

How can Colors Create an Impact on the Space of an Apartment
Home Interior

The interior decoration of your apartment can do a lot for issues such as space. To be more specific, the appropriate use of colors can enhance not just the style quotient of your home but also address issues related to creating a more spacious and airy look.

To get to know the right colors to use, you need to get a little bit into the psychology of colors. Certain hues and color combinations can make even the smallest spaces look large and inviting. Let’s take a look at some of these colors, what they mean and where they are best applied.

White is a versatile color that you can’t go wrong with. It creates a sense of clean, uncluttered space, aside from creating dramatic contrasts with darker colored furniture. If you are someone who needs some more color, then paint in an accent wall without making the other three walls close in around you; cobalt blue, wine or emerald green make bold contrast while still maintaining the open-look to the room.

Pastel colors also brighten up smaller spaces, aside from looking particularly charming! Light pink, lavender, lilac and shades of peach are lovely in almost all rooms. But if you feel they are too feminine for you, try teaming them up with beige, tan or cream for a more interesting look. Painting the door and window light neutral shades add accents and depth to the pastel colors. And if you still feel the need for color, add in some colorful throw pillows or rugs as they won’t distract from creating a spacious, airy feel to the room.

Blue and green are the colors of the sea that soothe aside from brightening up space. Light shades of relaxing sea-foam green can be paired up with light hues of pink, blue or even pure white to create stunningly stylish impacts. Though these shades are neutral, they incorporate color too, fulfilling all elements.

Since blue is considered a calm and tranquil color, they are excellent for bedrooms or prayer rooms. Pair up this versatile color with white door and window trimmings and you end up with an open, vintage look that automatically expands the room. Team it up with an off-white carpet and you are guaranteed a spacious looking room!

Yellow is an attention-hogger and wonderful for small rooms as it adds space as well as cheeriness. The subtle shades of banana, lemon or a creamy yellow look great in narrow rooms; you can even create an accent wall by incorporating a darker shade.

Avoid using dark-colored woods too as they look claustrophobic; go for glass table-tops and metal furniture as they look slimmer and less of a clutter. small rooms don’t have to look small, after all!